Registration How-to

Entering orchids or orchid art into an orchid show is not difficult.

The procedure we use in our society is explained below, one step at a time, and if you do want to arrive at the show prepared, you can determine what class your plant belongs to beforehand.
Otherwise, we will be happy to help you out at the show itself.
(Note that the procedure is similar in all orchid shows, but there will be differences in the show rules, and especially, in the definition of the classes of the plants. So be sure that you get the classification sheet of the show you're entering, to be able to put your plants into the right classes.)

Step 1:

Read the
Show Rules


When you come to the show with your blooming orchids, go first to the registration desk. There, you will be presented with the show rules and be asked to read them and agree to them.
(you can look them up with the link on the left)
Step 2:
Get an Exhibitor Number


Still at the registration desk, you will sign up on the Exhibitor List and be given an Exhibitor Number.
This number permits you to remain anonymous, and that is especially important for the judging process the following day.
Step 3:
Get one Plant Identification Tag and one stake per plant and fill in your Exhibitor Number






Then you will be given one Plant Identification Tag and one stake for every plant you are exhibiting.
Immediately write down the Exhibitor Number you have been given into the appropriate field (on our example it's number 14).

Below is a Plant Identification Tag from last year's show as an example

Step 4:
Find a place on the Show Table and fill in the Location field


Now you can look for a free space on the show table and place your plant there. Find the nearest location tag on the show table and enter its number into the Location field of the Plant Identification Tag (on our example, the location is "I").


Step 5:
Fill in the plant's name and, eventually, its parentage

Then, copying the information off the nametag of your plant, you will write the name of the plant you are exhibiting into the big middle field of the Plant Identification Tag (Dendrobium Super Star in our example).
If you happen to know the parentage of your plant, you can fill in the lower field as well ('Black Eye' x Super Ise '#1' in our example).
Step 6:
Find out what alliance your plant belongs to with the



Now comes the most interesting part: you have to find out what alliance and what class your plant belongs to (there will be people to help you out with this if you have any trouble).
To do that, you take the name of your plant again. Look up the first part of your plant's name in the Alliance Finder provided at the registration desk or on the link at left. (Note that the Alliance Finder has also a section that is organized by abbreviation, so that you'll be able to find your plant's alliance even if its name is not written out).

In our example, the first part of the plant's name is "Dendrobium", and that is also its alliance.

Step 7:
Find out what class your plant belongs to with the Registration Classes sheet and fill in the class number
Now that you know your plant's alliance, you take the Registration Classes sheet (found also at the registration table or on the link at the left) and read about that alliance. Comparing with your plant, decide which class your orchid belongs to, and fill in the class number on the Plant Identification Tag.
If you have any doubts, let people from the society help you!
In our example, the class is 505.
Step 8:
Bring the yellow carbon copy of the Plant Identification Tag to the registration desk and plant the white part into the pot Are you through? - Not quite: now comes the most important part of the whole process: Bring the yellow carbon copy of the Plant Identification Tag to the registration desk so that they can file the information, and plant the white part with its stake into your plant's pot, so that everybody can read it.

Orchid Show   Show Rules   Alliance Finder   Registration Classes