Orchid Show
We had a lot of fun with our annual
Orchid Show! Since it had turned out really well last year, our
expectations were high, and we were not quite sure if we would be able to
do as well this year. But everything went very well, and I think we can be
very satisfied with the results.
On Friday April 2nd, we registered 168 plants
from 33 exhibitors.
Both the Great Divide Orchid Society
from Helena and the Billings Orchid Society were well represented, and we
also had exhibitors who were not members of any orchid society.
On Saturday April 3rd, we held the ribbon show.
good number of our members stood up early enough to start judging at
8:00am. It was a great learning experience, and gave us the opportunity to
look really closely at the plants.
On Sunday April 4th, the six winners of the
raffle were drawn.
This year's raffle prizes were a huge
white phalaenopsis, a beautiful pink multifloral phalaenopsis, a gorgeous
purple novelty phalaenopsis, a gem of an orchid quilt, an encyclopedia of
orchid species, and some very pretty cards featuring painted orchids.
We were also very lucky to be able to host
three vendors of orchid plants, and three vendors of orchid art.
Some Pictures:
Katz-Thompson Orchids of Belgrade, Charlie
Spinelli's Greenhouse from Amsterdam and Bridger View Orchids,
also from Belgrade, came with a nice assortment of blooming and
non-blooming orchids. There was something for every taste and and
Rose Toth and Cheryl Farmer came with a
series of beautiful orchid cards, and
Will Henry came with extraordinary pieces of blown glass orchids. All
three are independent local artists.