Ribbon Judging and AOS JUDGING




Ribbon Judging will be held on Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
AOS Judging will occur thereafter


The official AOS judges shall be the main judges of the show, and lead one judging group each during the ribbon judging. For the AOS judging, they will confer among themselves.

Judging Groups:      

For the ribbon judging, each judging group shall include one main judge and at least two helpers: one person to find the plants on the show table, and one person serving as scribe, i.e. filling out the information on every ribbon awarded.


Every Registration Category will be awarded at least three ribbons:
- first place, a blue ribbon
- second place, a red ribbon
- third place, a white ribbon
- if desired, a fourth ribbon for honorable mention.


Every Alliance will be awarded one Rosette, for the best plant among the blue ribbons of that Alliance.


There will be two Plaques awarded, one for the best plant of the show, to be chosen among all the rosetted plants, and one for the best grown plant of the show, to be chosen among all entries.

Public's Choice:    

There will be one Rosette awarded for the plant among the rosetted plants that gets most of the public's votes.



Ribbon Judging   Guidelines:  

Each judging group shall pick the category they know most about.
- First, identify all entries to be judged in this class
- Then, look for the plants that stand out ("Wow Factor"): you want to go
    from big to small, i.e.:

1. Flower Count:  

more flowers is better than less flowers

2. Flower Size:  

bigger is better

3. Flower Presentation
 on the Spike:  

are the flowers too crowded, too far apart, upside down?

4. Flower Shape/Color:  

are the flowers symetrical, are the colors brilliant and clearly defined?

5. Flower Substance:  

heavy substance is better


Try to weigh these criteria out, for example, significantly higher flower count is clearly worth more than marginally bigger flower size. But significantly bigger flower size would be worth more than marginally higher flower count.




If it's hard to find the better plants, you can eliminate based on flaws, for example color bleeding, marring, poor form, etc.
You might also resort to the plant itself: a big and old plant with flowering comparable to a plant half that size would be worth less, because you can expect more from the small plant once it has reached that size.



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